Right before your eyes. OGGI, and forever!

Our gelato workshops and our labs are first and foremost a place filled with creativity and whimsy, where maestro gelatiere Carmelo Chiaramida is constantly creating and pushing the boundaries of gelato making with new concoctions and flavors for you to indulge in are constantly being crafted.

Our gelato lab is meant to be an interactive e experience where you become part of the process, following the gelato making magic step-by-step. Everything happens right before your eyes. You can smell the pistachio and hazelnut toasting in our ovens, the aroma of our melting chocolate wafts up to you from our decadent fountain, the fragrance of our fresh fruit floats through the air This is a sensory experience designed to delights all of your sense.

You can find us in Italy (Udine, Trieste, Pordenone, Roma…) and in Barcellona, Santiago del Cile, Atene… and in the USA!


Via Cesare Battisti, 13/A


Corso Garibaldi, 54


Voulis 17, Athina 105 63
Βουλής 17, Αθήνα 105 63

Norwalk (Connecticut)

250 Westport Ave CT 06851, USA